Student Voluntary Hours
Here's what you need to know
Thank you for thinking of us! That's great to hear, we'd love to have you join us at our events.
Each event is around 4h in duration so you should easily fill up your necessary hours with a few events. All you need to do is join our Student Group from the link below and you'll hear about any events through the group.
We hold one large clean-up per month and often have sorting sessions in-between.
During the events just wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty in and bring a bottle of water and a hat when it's sunny weather. We provide gloves, sunblock and extra water just in case.
We hope to see you at the clean-ups!
Bring your signing sheet to each event OR take note and bring it once at the end. We are no responsible for any mistakes you make in hours or your attendance, it's up to you to track your hours.